UN 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum

Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions
Side Event Name: Change You Can See: The Sustainability and Intersectionality of Providing Solar Lights to Off-grid Filipino Communities
Date: January 30, 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 8:00 PM - 9:15 PM (Manila time)
Location: Virtual (on Zoom)
Format: Panel Discussion
Click here to register! You may also use the link: bit.ly/OMLxUN2024Forum
2030 is approaching soon and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by that year, the UN and member states must work together in partnership for these goals. One Million Lights (OML) is fully committed in reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and wishes to participate in more conversations and dialogues on how to meet the goals. As a result, OML will be hosting a side event at the UN 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum. To read our concept note submitted to the UN, please download and view this file.
Meet the Panel

Mylene C. Capongcol
Assistant Secretary, Department of Energy, Republic of the Philippines

Kelly Hewitt
Principal Energy Specialist,
Asian Development Bank

Richmond Seladores
Project Manager, Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP)

Angelo Valenton
Founder and Ceo, Power 4 All

Cyn Young-Park
Director of Regional Cooperation and Trade of the Climate Change and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank

One Million Lights is a nonprofit organization dedicated to distributing solar lights to off-grid communities in the Philippines. One of our main mottos--'change you can see'--conveys our mission of bringing Filipinos out of energy poverty. When the topic of solar lights is brought up, many think of the energy aspect of it alone. We would like to discuss how solar energy not only provides light to people but how it helps economically empower them and the impact this makes on marginalized communities.
We will be bringing guest speakers from government, the private sector, and the Asian Development Bank for a panel discussion on the intersectionality of solar energy and how that will contribute in working towards the Sustainable Development Goals.